Clinton Leads Trump by 13 Points in Reuters/Ipsos Poll

What a lovely graph, eh?

While the current Clinton lead of 13 points in the Reuters/Ipsos poll is indeed terrific, what's most interesting to me is the nearly three-month trend. Aside from about a two-week stretch following Trump's apparent clinch of the nomination in early May, the current result really doesn't look that unusual.

Interestingly, the poll averages at Real Clear Politics and Huffington Post also showed a May tightening to different degrees. This leads me to believe that the Reuters/Ipsos poll is worth paying attention to, even with day-to-day volatility that leads to headlines like "Poll: Clinton’s lead over Trump slipping since Orlando". Yes, they were referring to this poll...but looking at the graph, it's really hard to tell when this supposed Trump bump was supposed to have happened.

Oh yeah, and Bernie hasn't even (officially) endorsed Hillary yet.

Anyway...after a distressing day and an upsetting couple of weeks in general, I figured this poll would be a welcome sight as we start the weekend.

Keep calm and Hillary on!

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