Hillary News & Views 6.20: New Baby, Juneteenth, Running Mate, Classmates


Guest post by swiffy

Today we begin with the happy news of a new baby in the Clinton family, as Chelsea gave birth to Aidan on Saturday morning. A number of celebratory Tweets noted the happy occasion. Wishing all the best to the whole family!
There were a number of tributes to Father’s Day yesterday, including this one with a picture of Chelsea as a young girl.

Hillary released a statement yesterday about the Juneteenth remembrance of the abolition of slavery.
“One hundred and fifty-three years ago, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It took two more years for the men, women, and children who lived their lives in bondage in Galveston, Texas, to learn that the Civil War was over—and they were free at last. Today, we celebrate and honor those who fought to end the grotesque institution of slavery, and we recommit ourselves to the work that remains.
“Our country’s long struggle with racism is far from over. More than half a century after Rosa Parks sat and Dr. King marched and John Lewis bled—more than a century and a half after slavery was outlawed—race still plays a significant role in determining who gets ahead in America and who gets left behind. We need to face that reality, and fix it.
“America is stronger together. When all people can share in the promise of our country. When every child has the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential. When we lift each other up. And when we all come together to build a more perfect union.”
President Obama’s full statement this year is here, including a call to end modern-day slavery.
Juneteenth is a time to recommit ourselves to the work that remains undone. We remember that even in the darkest hours, there is cause to hope for tomorrow’s light. Today, no matter our race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, we recommit ourselves to working to free modern-day slaves around the world and to honoring in our own time the efforts of those who fought so hard to steer our country truer to our highest ideals.
Various stories have started to emerge about Hillary’s running mate selection process. The New York Times highlights several candidates including Cory Booker, Julian Castro, and Tim Ryan and says the campaign is collecting information on 10 candidates. The analysis there is a bit all over the place and includes a body language expert and references to HBO’s Veep.
Although she is at ease with younger hopefuls like Mr. Castro, Mrs. Clinton has also relished policy conversations with Mr. Perez, a favorite of labor unions, her advisers said. (Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, has expressed concern that selecting Mr. Brown would leave a vacancy in the Senate that a Republican would probably be appointed to fill.)
Mrs. Clinton may be forced to ignore such factors, Democrats said, and think about whom she most prefers to spend the next four to eight years working with. “It’s like getting married without any divorce proceedings possible,” Mr. Mondale said.
The partnership extends to the running mates’ spouses, who will spend ample time together, and in Mrs. Clinton’s case includes an opinionated former president.
Rivka Solomon in Newsweek called for Elizabeth Warren to be the VP choice.
Yet the notion that in order to win you need someone who has something that you don’t was shot down in 1992 by Clinton’s own husband. At first, Democratic nominee Bill Clinton was questioned and then lauded for picking Al Gore as his running mate.
Two white males from the South? They were too alike, said conventional wisdom–ites. Yet in the end, the duo was deemed perfect: youthful, fresh, representative of the new South, emblematic of a new generation. And they won the White House, twice.
Twenty-four years later, Hillary Clinton should follow her husband’s lead and disregard any criticism that her running mate should not be like her, a wonky white woman from the Northeast.
Several prominent Daily Kos diarists have also recommended Elizabeth Warren, while others have advocated for other choices. Denise wrote a noteworthy front page story yesterday that touched on this among other important topics.
When are we going to elevate a Latino to national status?  President Obama’s appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court was a major first step, but there doesn’t appear to be much interest from the left in potential VP picks likeXavier BecerraTom Perez, or Julián Castro. (yes, I’m aware that Markos isn’t a fan of a hypothetical Castro selection).
This indicates a major fault line in our party politics. We know that Latino turnout is below par, so what do we plan to do to mobilize and enthuse our largest potential constituency consisting of people of color?
Business Insider found a few Clinton classmates and asked their reactions to her historic nomination as Presidential candidate.
But for some who have known Clinton the longest - classmates who were fellow members of the first graduating class of Maine South High School in Park Ridge, Illinois, in 1965 - the moment wasn't just historic. It was powerful.
Maine South classmate Cheryl Harbour told Business Insider:
Well, I have to admit that I felt stronger emotion than I expected to. And really, my relationship with her exceeds politics. But when that happened, I had a tremendous feeling of history changing directions. It was such a profound day. Knowing her, I am proud of her for being the person that could make that happen.
This to me seems like an extension of who she was then and what every moment of her life has been. It's not as if it was a huge leap. I feel like the person that we see today is the person that I first got to know in first grade. ... I can still see the influences of Park Ridge in her.
The campaign published an essay about the reaction of a woman born before women could vote in the US.
Born in 1915—five years before most women could legally vote in America—Shirley has lived through the Great Depression, two world wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and the moon landing.
In that time, she’s seen incredible progress in America. And today, Shirley is rooting for something she never thought she’d live to see: the first woman president of the United States.
And last week, when Hillary Clinton earned enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, Shirley was beside herself with excitement. 
"I can't believe it. It's unbelievable. To be the first female nominee, really nominated, it's not possible. There must be a mistake. The world's never going to be the same with women having so many rights. I grew up when women had no rights at all...And she really won the nomination. It was wonderful."

Forbes contributor Stan Collender reports that conservatives have signaled that they know Clinton will win the Presidency in November.
“A network of conservative groups backed by mega-donors Charles and David Koch met with reporters today to unveil a plan to cut spending and reduce the national debt. The plan, titled “Stop, Cut, Fix,” calls on Congress to pass a two-year continuing resolution for fiscal 2018 and 2019 that locks in sequester-level spending.
“Stop” is the key to the plan and what’s obvious about where they see the election heading.
The conservative groups are calling on Congress to pass a continuing resolution that would last through the 2018 election. They say that would “ensure that discretionary spending cuts promised…over the next two years will actually happen” and “force the next president” who “may be inclined to increase appropriations spending” to live with the previously agreed-to budget deal.
Bonus Tweets:

Have a terrific day, everyone!


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