(Photo by James Devaney/GC Images) |
Via NYT:
Hillary Clinton plans to pummel Donald J. Trump’s economic proposals on Tuesday, portraying Mr. Trump as an uncaring and unscrupulous businessman whose reckless policies would lead to a new financial crisis and a surge in unemployment.The pummeling doesn't stop there, though...it also extends to campaign cash. To be more precise, she has a lot and he has almost none.
Appearing in Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will argue that Mr. Trump’s proposals to increase tariffs on imported goods, cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and try to get creditors to accept less than full payment on the national debt would lead to a financial meltdown worse than that of 2008, her aides said in interviews.
Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, told Sirius XM radio on Monday that Mr. Trump’s proposals “would send us into an economic ice age.”
Mrs. Clinton will also tear into Mr. Trump’s private-sector record, part of an effort by her campaign and Democratic allies to turn Mr. Trump’s business reputation against him and persuade voters that he has trampled over working people at every stage of his career.
“The core proposition is that if you put Donald Trump behind the steering wheel of the American economy, he is very likely to drive us off a cliff,” said Jake Sullivan, Mrs. Clinton’s top policy aide. That argument will include “his record of causing harm in the private sector,” Mr. Sullivan added.
Among the examples Mrs. Clinton will point to, aides said, are Mr. Trump’s multiple bankruptcies and the allegations of fraud leveled at him over his for-profit educational venture, Trump University.
NYT again:
Donald J. Trump enters the general election campaign laboring under the worst financial and organizational disadvantage of any major party nominee in recent history, placing both his candidacy and his party in political peril.The Hill has more:
Mr. Trump began June with just $1.3 million in cash on hand, a figure more typical for a campaign for the House of Representatives than the White House. He trailed Hillary Clinton, who raised more than $28 million in May, by more than $41 million, according to reports filed late Monday night with the Federal Election Commission.
He has a staff of around 70 people — compared with nearly 700 for Mrs. Clinton — suggesting only the barest effort toward preparing to contest swing states this fall. And he fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, on Monday, after concerns among allies and donors about his ability to run a competitive race.
The Trump campaign has not aired a television advertisement since he effectively secured the nomination in May and has not booked any advertising for the summer or fall. Mrs. Clinton and her allies spent nearly $26 million on advertising in June alone, according to the Campaign Media Analysis Group, pummeling Mr. Trump over his temperament, his statements and his mocking of a disabled reporter. The only sustained reply, aside from Mr. Trump’s gibes at rallies and on Twitter, has come from a pair of groups that spent less than $2 million combined.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign raised $28.28 million in May and has more than $42 million in cash on hand, according to monthly fundraising totals released on Monday afternoon.
Hillary for America reported contributions more than 650,000 contributions from about 430,000 people in May. The average donation was about $44.
“We're starting the general election in strong financial shape thanks to the support of more than 1.3 million people and strategic investments that helped us conserve our resources,” said Hillary for America Campaign Manager, Robby Mook. "That grassroots support will be critical to our success and will ensure that we have the resources we need to communicate Hillary Clinton's message that we are stronger together.”
Clinton raised more than $9 million in May in contributions of $200 or less and the campaign reported that more than 60 percent of the contributions for the month were from women.
NBC News has an interesting breakdown of where exactly all their swing state ad money is pouring into, and interestingly, North Carolina is one of their biggest targets!
And get this:
And get this:
Clinton had 3 $raisers today in NY. In all, about 135 people each gave $33.4k+. So, at least $4.5m raised today. More than Trump in May.— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) June 21, 2016
Oh yeah, and did you know she has a Super PAC too?:
The main super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had its biggest month of 2016 in May, bringing in $12.1 million — $3.5 million more than the previous month — as the now-presumptive Democratic nominee neared the nomination in her primary battle against Bernie Sanders and started taking on Donald Trump.And what oligarchical awfulness will all of this money will buy? I'll let Howard "50-state strategy" Dean answer that.
Priorities USA Action started June sitting on roughly $52 million in cash on hand after bringing in roughly $88 million, with commitments of another $45 million, for the election cycle, the group told POLITICO on Monday.
May’s haul — led by $3 million from Chicago media executive Fred Eychaner — comes as the group is engaged in a major anti-Trump ad onslaught in eight battleground states that’s expected to last until election day: it has reserved roughly $147 million between television, radio, and digital platforms.
Most presidential campaigns follow the same playbook. Candidates parse the map into red states, blue states and so-called "swing states"—and they focus their time and resources exclusively on that third category.
Hillary Clinton's campaign is rejecting that strategy in favor of a much broader one. The plan that Clinton began to execute this week is a 20-year strategy to create a new vision for America. To fulfill it, she is dispatching staff to all 50 states and is working to identify and organize supporters in each one.
There are a lot of reasons why adopting a 50-state strategy is both the right thing and the smart thing for Clinton to do. For one, voters deserve it. When candidates write off entire states or regions for being too blue or too red, they also write off the people who call those places home.
Instead of retreating behind battle lines drawn by pundits and pollsters, Clinton is aiming to rewrite the electoral map entirely. She recognizes that you can't win if you don't play -- and that, in a year when Donald Trump is on the ticket, anything is possible.
In her campaign, Clinton will show up everywhere and take no voter for granted. That's why solidly red states like Georgia, Utah and Arizona already appear a few shades more purple. And as Donald Trump might say -- she hasn't even started on them yet. Even though we may not turn them blue this year, she's taken the necessary steps to ensure they won't stay red forever.
I know I need to leave Bernie alone for now, but it's striking to me that an actual long-term Democratic Revolution is in the works on the ground right now in all 50 states while his focus still seems to mainly be on controversial intraparty reforms that likely won't get very far. Hey Senator...c'mon man, we could really use your help over here in the finals!
Anyway, moving on...
Paul Krugman, national treasure, has penned one of my favorite op-eds in quite a while. Basically, I think he just blew the tent off this crazy 2016 circus.
Do you remember what happened when the Berlin Wall fell? Until that moment, nobody realized just how decadent Communism had become. It had tanks, guns, and nukes, but nobody really believed in its ideology anymore; its officials and enforcers were mere careerists, who folded at the first shock.
It seems to me that you need to think about what happened to the G.O.P. this election cycle the same way.
The Republican establishment was easily overthrown because it was already hollow at the core. Donald Trump’s taunts about “low-energy” Jeb Bush and “little Marco” Rubio worked because they contained a large element of truth. When Mr. Bush and Mr. Rubio dutifully repeated the usual conservative clichés, you could see that there was no sense of conviction behind their recitations. All it took was the huffing and puffing of a loud-mouthed showman to blow their houses down.
But as Mr. Trump is finding out, the Democratic establishment is different.
As some political scientists are now acknowledging, America’s two major parties are not at all symmetric. The G.O.P. is, or was until Mr. Trump arrived, a top-down hierarchical structure enforcing a strict, ideologically pure party line. The Democrats, by contrast, are a “coalition of social groups,” from teachers’ unions to Planned Parenthood, seeking specific benefits from government action.
This diversity of interests sometimes reduces Democrats’ effectiveness: the old Will Rogers joke, “I am not a member of any organized political party — I’m a Democrat” still rings true. But it also means that the Democratic establishment, such as it is, is resilient against Trump-style coups.
That's just the intro, and I strongly recommend reading the whole thing. It's everything that great op-ed writing should be.
As we all probably know by now, a series of gun control measures went down in defeat in the senate last night, and Hillary had a couple of responses to this dismaying development on Twitter:
Enough. -H pic.twitter.com/3herO6i1Pr— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 21, 2016
It’s time to demand more than thoughts and prayers from our elected officials. https://t.co/LGl3QkhGAI #DisarmHate pic.twitter.com/ehqCXheGqP— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 21, 2016
A couple of additional tweets:
.@JoeBiden is right—Donald Trump’s worldview doesn't reflect our values, and it’s not who we are. https://t.co/k6F440uf8t— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 21, 2016
America has always been a nation of immigrants and refugees. On #WorldRefugeeDay, let's reaffirm our commitment to welcoming them. -H— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 20, 2016
Another big day ahead. Have a great Tuesday!
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